Managers can create new user and external user accounts from within a space if this action has been enabled by a site admin on the parent or top-level space.


1. Select the space you want to manage.

2. Click Manage Space in the right-hand sidebar. The Manage Space modal will open at the People tab.

3. Click CREATE NEW USER at the top of the people column of this modal. A New User modal will open.

No CREATE NEW USER button? User creation has not been enabled for this space. See the Settings tab to edit this setting if you are an elevated site admin.

4. Edit this user's details. See the page: Create a new user for instructions.

5. Click Save. The new user will receive an email entitled ‘Please set your password’ with sign in instructions.

OR – To create a new external user from within this space:

3. Go to the External tab of the people column in the Manage Space modal.

4. Click ADD EXTERNAL USER. An Add External User modal will open.

5. Enter the email address, name, and description of the new external user.

6. Click Save. The new external user will receive an email entitled ‘Please set your password’ with sign in instructions.

Good to know! When a user is created from within a space, this space becomes the primary space of that user. The primary space can be later changed. For more on this, see See Assign or change a user's primary space.




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