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Introduction to this page

Any Exchangeable image file format (Exif) data embedded in a file is automatically detected by Chorus.

A file’s Exif data is created by the camera or audio equipment that created it.

Exif data can include date and time information, camera settings, descriptions of files that include dimensions and resolution, and copyright information.


1. Select the file you want to view. 

2. Click View in the right-hand sidebar or double-click on the file. The preview will open.

3. Choose the Camera tab of the preview. 

See the Exif data
attached to this file. For example, an image may display: 

Example Exif Data Fields Explained
 createdate The date when the image/file was captured
 datetimeoriginal The time when the image/file was captured
 exposuretime The shutter speed in seconds when an image was made
 fnumber The aperture setting of the lens (F-Stop) when an image was created
 focallength The focal length of the device lens in millimeters
 iso The sensitivity of the image sensor when the file was created
 make The make of the camera/device used to create the file 
 model The model of the camera/device used to create the file 
 modifydate The date when the file was last modified

Click Back
 in the top left-hand corner of the screen to close the preview. 

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