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Introduction to this page

Familiarize yourself with the significant features of the Activity Dashboard

The Activity tab presents all the relevant information about what is happening in a space in an easy to navigate format, allowing users to keep up with the spaces they are a member of.

It’s possible to look at a specific space or activity, or to get a broader picture at a glance. Data can be exported too, and notes left on actions such as downloads or shares can be found here easily.

Good to know: All users have access to the Activity tab but can only see information on the spaces they are allowed to view.

Quick guide to the Activity tab

You can view the Activity tab by opening the dashboard in your 'Tools' menu. 

The Activity tab has 7 main components, as follows:

1. Space filter

If you are a member of more than a few Spaces, you may wish to filter the view to only show activity in one of the Spaces. To do this, click on the appropriate Space on the left-hand side of the page. To return to viewing all of the Spaces' requests in one list, click 'All'.

2. User filter

If you wish to see the activity of a specific user, click on “Someone” to bring up the user picker and search for them. When you found them, click on them and then on “Select”. To return to viewing all activity in a specific space, or in all spaces you are a member of, click on “This Space” or “All Spaces”, whichever is showing.

3. Activity filter

If you wish to see activity in relation to only a specific action, click on the corresponding button. To return to viewing activity related to all actions, click on “All”.


4. Search box

You can use this box to perform a search for something more specific, such as a certain file. By clicking on the cog icon to the right of the search box you can choose to filter the activity shown to only actions where a note was left.

5. Main pane

Activity is shown here, based on filters and searches that were selected. For each entry you can see an icon displaying the type of activity, the user that took that action, the space the action was taken in and previews of the files in question. The “View” button, when present, takes you to the files themselves. A refresh button is also available on the top right corner.

Users can leave notes on activity events that refer to their actions by clicking on the button, under their avatar.

6. Export CSV button

By clicking on this button you can export the activity currently shown to a CSV file that will download to your computer.

7. Date picker

If you need to see the activity for a specific date you can click on this button and choose the date in question. Activity for that date only will then be displayed to you. To revert to viewing all activity click on the X or scroll back.

List of events

The activity tab will show an entry for these events:

  • Adding or removing users
  • Adding or uploading files
  • Creating folders, collections, smart collections
  • Deleting, recycling, or removing files
  • Sharing folders, collections, or smart collections
  • Replacing or activating a revision
  • Syncing into the folder from Project Sync
  • Removing or recycling a folder, collection, or smart collection
  • Adding to or removing a file from a collection or smart Collection

Good to know: Activity events are shown for individual files too, read more here: B5. View files and their details using the Preview

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