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Introduction to this page

Site Managers can set terms and conditions, or control the log retention policy for personal data.

These features are to help you comply with privacy laws such as GDPR, or to ensure that your users comply with terms of use which your legal department require.

You must be a Site Administrator to complete this task.


1. Go to the Admin menu and unlock this menu by elevating, if required.

2. Select  Settings → Site in the menu.  

The Site settings are now displayed. 

3. To enable terms and conditions, slide "Require Terms & Conditions" on.

The Terms & Conditions text box is revealed. You can now enter your legal terms, either in plain text or using Markdown for formatting. For a full guide on how to use Markdown, please see

4. To enable Log Retention, slide "Configure log retention" on.

Log retention affects personal data stored in Chorus. This includes the access log, download log, upload logs, searches, emails and other audit records which Chorus gathers. By default, this data is stored indefinitely. If you need to have it cleared after a fixed period of time, choose a period of time which matches your privacy policy. Chorus will check for any logs which are older than this once per day, and will delete those logs.

Logs which are cleared by the Log Retention clean-up tasks cannot be restored. Please be certain of your settings on this page before you click "Save".

If you change the Terms & Conditions text, then a checkbox labelled "Users must agree to this version of the text" is displayed. If this box is checked, when users log in, they will need to confirm that they have read the new terms and accept them. Unchecking the box means that any users who have already accepted previous terms and conditions will not be asked to agree again.

4. Click Save to commit any changes.

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