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You are viewing documentation for IMS v6. If you are using Chorus, please switch to:

Update Server Requirements

  1. Ensure that your firewall allows access to as this is the site from which we deliver new versions.
  2. Ensure that your IMS server has the latest signature of the update server by running the following at the command line when logged in as root: 

    wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ims-keyring.gpg

There are two separate types of updates:

IMS software Updates

These relate to the asset management system software. An alert will appear in your administrators console if a new version is available and you can manually update by visiting the Configuration > Software Updates page. 

It is recommended that you update whenever you see an alert in the administrator's console. A system that is not updated may lack security fixes and the latest features and bugfixes.

Please be aware that an IMS software update will cause a few minutes of downtime while various components are replaced. DO NOT REBOOT during an IMS software update, even if the server appears to be unresponsive. Doing so may leave your system in an unstable state that is difficult to recover from.

System/Operating System Updates

Every night your server will automatically will check if its Debian Operating system requires any security patches or other kernel improvements. It will also look for updates related to the components that are used to generate thumbnails and previews. Changes to the operating system's kernel will require a reboot before the new kernel can be brought into use. You will see an alert in your administrators console if it is time to reboot. You can schedule a reboot from the Configuration > System Administration > Reboot page.

The automatic system update mechanism means that within 24hours of a security fix being released for the Debian OS, your server will automatically download and install the update leaving only a possible reboot to be applied manually. Your firewall must allow access to for this to be possible.

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