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Third Light offer an 'data export' service should you wish to create a copy of all the content of your system. It can be then be shipped to you. Please contact your account manager for current pricing.

Q1) What does the service involve exactly?

A) Third Light will purchase a storage device (hard drive or USB stick) large enough to hold your content, connect it to our export server, perform an export of folders from your site over the Internet onto the local storage device and prepare it for shipping.

Q2) How are the costs calculated? 

A) We charge a flat fee for the service, plus the price of the storage device, plus the price of shipping, plus VAT.

Q3) What content is exported and how will it be structured on disk?

A) Only folders from your Chorus system hold original assets and so these are the only type of container that will be stored. The tree structure of your folders will be intact with spaces converted into folders.

Q4) What about the metadata of my files?

A) Where the image type supports it, metadata will be written back to the files. 

As not all file types support metadata, it is important that you use the metadata exporting tools of Chorus to record all the information into a CSV file to avoid any information you wish to keep from being lost.

It is the responsibility of the maintainers of the receiving system to extract metadata from the files on the storage device or to process your CSV file when importing files and metadata into non-Chorus systems.

Q5) Do you offer encryption?

A) This is not part of the standard service due to the need to find a common encryption mechanism between the two parties. Please contact us if you have a specific encryption mechanism in mind but please be aware that we may have to charge extra should it add additional complexity to the standard service.

Q6) How long will it take?

A) If you have uploaded large amounts of content over many hours over multiple years, you can imaging that downloading the entire content set in one go is likely to be a very long operation. We can not predict in advance how long it will take as there are multiple varying factors but once the export is underway we can estimate the time remaining based on the number of files transferred so far and the number pending. 

Q7) Can I send you a hard drive or USB stick or arrange my own shipping?

A) Yes, but please contact your account manage first so that sizes of recommended storage devices and adjustments in costs can be calculated.

Q8) Is it possible to be transfer the data in a different way?

A) Please detail your requirements and send them to your account manager for consideration. Extra charges will apply to processes that require extra work than what would be performed by our standard export service. 


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