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To help collect more information when something has gone wrong, we may occasionally ask you to open the 'web console', then repeat the steps that triggered a problem and then send us a screenshot of what you see.

The steps vary between browsers so here is a quick reference:

Firefox (Windows/Linux)Ctrl + Shift + K
Firefox MacCommand + Shift + J
Chrome (Windows/Linux)Ctrl + Shift + JEnsure that 'All Levels' is selected by clicking 'Default Levels' and enabling 'Verbose', 'Info', 'Warnings' and 'Errors'
Chrome (Mac)Command + Option + JEnsure that 'All Levels' is selected by clicking 'Default Levels' and enabling 'Verbose', 'Info', 'Warnings' and 'Errors'
SafariCommand + Option + CDeveloper Tools must first be enabled: 1) Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar 2) Develop Show Error Console
IE11/EdgeF12Then select the 'Console' tab
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