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Introduction to this page

Create a new space or subspace to manage files and teams.

The creator of a space is automatically a manager of that space. For more, see About: Types of spaces.

Good to know: You can only create a new space or subspace in your home space, or a parent space where you are already manager. For more, see Understand your role and permissions in a space


1. Click in the parent location for the new space.

2. Click New Space in the right-hand sidebar. 

A modal will open: 

3. Enter a short Name for the space.

4. You can also enter a short Description of the space. This will appear below its name on the Space thumbnail and is optional.

5. See the Location of the parent for this space.

You can change the location for this space if you click on the Move button. For more, see Change the location of a space.

6. Choose to customize the avatar for this space or use an automatic avatar. 

Enable the Automatic Avatar switch to the ‘off’ position to override the automatic avatar and create a custom avatar.

To do so, upload an image or graphic into the space avatar field.

To customize the automatic avatar, you can

  • a. Enter Avatar Initials. Enter characters here to override the automatic initials taken from the name of your space. 
  • b. Select a Custom Avatar Color.

7. Check User Creation to permit other managers of this space to create new Chorus user accounts. This space will be the home space for any newly created users. Only site admins can access this function.

8. "Allow inbound shares" is ticked by default. Untick this if you wish to prevent non-members of this Space from sharing content into the Space.

9. Click Save.

Once you hit save, new options will appear. 

10. Show Home is Spaces menu: This settings determine if the Space shows as a shortcut in the Spaces menu on the left side for users whose Home this space is. It will override the site settings, unless left to inherited (which is the default). 

11. Privacy: This setting allows you to hide the Space for users which are not a member of this space or can't see it via other ways: e.g. if that spaces shares content with you. It hides it in all places where users can find out about this space: when adding members to a space, when looking at what spaces a user is a member, or when sharing with spaces.

If you’re a manager of the parent Space (or are a Site Admin for site spaces), then it will have no effect (as you can see the space in order to manage it).

This box is ticked by default, you can untick it if you want users to being able to add this space to a space's role; or to show in the list of spaces available to share content with. To allow this, 'Allow inbound shares' also need to be ticked.

12. Use custom theme: tick this box if you want to use a custom theme for this space. This custom theme will show for all members which have this space as home space. To set a custom them, click on the Space theme action button on the right hand side of the modal.

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