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File names consist of text. Chorus lets you rename multiple files by editing and adding to the filename using metadata, and numerical sequences. You can use this to fix or standardize file names quickly and easily.


1. Select the files you want to rename by clicking on each file once.

The total number of files in your selection is shown as a number in the right-hand sidebar.

TIP: If renaming all the files in a folder, check the Select All symbol at the top right-hand corner of the active pane.

2. Click Edit in the right-hand sidebar. An Edit menu will open.

3. Choose Batch Edit

The Batch Edit modal will open.

4. In the editing pane, go to the Data panel, and choose Rename from the dropdown options.

TIP: Adjust your batch selection or view

In the Batch Edit modal, selected files appear highlighted in a Selected Files pane.

  • Deselect a file from this batch by clicking on it once.
  • Click the eye symbol at the top right-hand corner of the preview pane to access the pane view menu.
  • Note that the order of files in the preview pane may affect your renaming or numbering changes.


5. Click Add a field to add your first field.

6. Choose the field type: Text, Metadata, Sequence Number, or Name.

Fields for Renaming Files
Text Enter your own text to form part of the new names of all the selected files.
Metadata The new names of the files can automatically include elements of the metadata already embedded in them. A dropdown list shows the metadata fields that can be imported into the file names.

Use parts of the existing file names, their extensions, or their parent folders or spaces as fields in their new names. Options to add in this field are:

Asset name: Retain the current names of the files, including any extensions.
Asset extension: Use the existing file type extensions (such as .jpg, .eps, .pdf) in the new names. 
Asset prefix: Use these files’ old names at the beginning of their new names. 
Parent name: Include the name of the folder or space in which these files are located.

Sequence Number

Chorus will assign a unique number to each file, based on the number of files in the selection.

Good to know: There is no padding in sequence numbers. For example, if 49 files are sequentially numbered, the first will be 1.jpg (not 001.jpg) and the last 49.jpg, without padding. This is the default setting.

Asset ExtensionNormally, the file extension (such as .jpg) must be preserved, so it's common to end with the "Asset Extension" after the sequence number. Otherwise, you can find your files have no file extension.

 Enter a value for the each field in your new file names. 

8. Click Add field to save. Add more fields and click Add field to save.

See a preview of the first of your new names in the Data panel.

9. Click on the reorder symbol at the right of each field, and drag each field above or below others to change the order of file name fields. 

10. To delete a file name field, select the field and click Remove field.

11. Click Save. Your files will be renamed immediately.

More on renaming items:

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