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Introduction to this page

Edit and apply large quantities of metadata to a folder with Chorus' powerful import and export tools.

These tools allow you to:

a) Import and translate existing metadata from other systems, using simple spreadsheets.

b) Edit the metadata of a folder in spreadsheet form. Exporting the metadata of a folder will generate a CSV file (comma-separated values file) which can be edited on your desktop as a spreadsheet. Uploading the changed CSV file back into Chorus applies the changes.

TIP: Practise a metadata export/import operation to become familiar with the process. Make small changes to a small number of files, and check the results are as expected.


1. Select the folder you want to edit.

2. Click Edit Folder in the right-hand sidebar. An Edit Folder modal will open.

3. Choose the Import/Export tab at the top of the modal.

a) To import a CSV file:

4. Click Browse for a CSV in the Metadata Imports panel (above). 

5. Select the CSV file you want to import into the folder. An Import Metadata modal will open. 

6. Choose from dropdown lists to ‘map’ imported fields to existing fields within your Chorus site. This binds an imported field to a Chorus field. 

For details on XMP mappings, see Map metadata fields to XMP standards.

7. Configure Actions for the imported metadata at the bottom of the Import Metadata modal. 

Actions for Imported Metadata
For existing metadata
  • Replace all existing metadata values with imported values;
  • Add imported metadata to existing values (Append); or
  • Leave existing metadata unchanged. New values will only be imported where existing fields are empty.
For existing tree/keyword metadata
  • Replace all existing metadata values with imported values;
  • Add imported metadata to existing values (Append); or
  • Leave existing metadata unchanged. New values will only be imported where existing fields are empty.
For data not in the controlled vocabulary of the parent space

If the import CSV contains keywords that are not part of an existing vocabulary for a field, choose to: 

  • Extend (add) these keywords to the vocabulary. 
  • Add keywords to files but not the vocabulary. 
  • Do not add to files. 
For GPS Data:Choose whether or not to overwrite existing GPS values with imported GPS metadata. 

8. Click Import.

b) To export a CSV file:

4. Click Create Export in the Metadata Exports panel. A Create a Metadata Export modal will open.

5. Enter a name for the file you export.

6. Select a Separator: This is the ‘delimiter’ that separates the fields of the CSV that you are about to export. The most commonly used separator is comma, but colon, semi-colon, tab, and pipe are also supported.

7. Check or un-check the Recurse into subfolders box. This means include or don’t include subfolders of this folder when exporting its metadata into the CSV file.

8. Customize the Exported Fields for this export.

By default, all metadata embedded in this folder’s files will be included in the export CSV.

To choose which fields are included, click the Customize exported fields switch. The folder’s metadata catalog will appear. Select or clear panels and fields for export.

9. Click Save. You will be returned to the Import/Export tab of the Edit Folder modal.

10. Click Collect in the Metadata Exports panel to download your prepared CSV file.

You are here:


  1. 3. Choose how to ‘map’ imported fields to existing fields within your Chorus site. For more on XMP mappings, see Map metadata fields to XMP standards.
    I appear to have lost the ability to upload a .csv file. This section therefore, is raw draft only. 
  2. 6. Choose to ‘map’ imported fields to existing fields within your Chorus site. For more on XMP mappings, see Map metadata fields to XMP standards.
    I appear to have lost the ability to import a .csv, so this paragraph remains in Raw Draft.