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Introduction to this page

Add metadata to all of the files in your private space at the same time.

All files in folders and subspaces within your private space will also inherit this metadata. 


1. Click Private in the left-hand sidebar or navigate to your private space via the breadcrumb trail. 

2. Click the Settings button in the pane banner.

Good to know: An alternative route to your private space settings is via your profile avatar.

An Edit Folder modal will open. 

Here you will see the metadata fields available on all files in your private space.

These are organized in panels, which are dictated by your private space metadata managerer

3. Add metadata to all files in your home space by writing in the available fields or by adding keywords or values into the fields.

4. If available, you can add preset panels to this modal. These will be listed in the Panels available section, you can drag and drop them into the Panels in Use section.

You can also remove panels in use by selecting a panel and click on the bin icon.

5. Click Save.

Good to know: Files in your private space metadata cannot be seen by other users, unless you:

1. Share a folder with them from your private space, or
2. Invite them to be a member of a subspace of your private space.

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