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Manually remove inherited metadata panels from a parent space.

By default, all spaces within a Chorus site inherit the metadata panels of their parent spaces, all the way to the site level.

First, open the metadata manager of a space:

1. Select the space you want to manage.

2. Click Manage → This Space in the right-hand sidebar. The Manage Space modal will open.

3. Choose the Metadata tab at the top of the modal. The Metadata manager of the space will open.

Step-by-step: Remove inherited panels

2. Any Inherited panels will appear in the Panels in Use section. You can identify them because they have a panel with globe icon.

3. To remove a panel on this space select the panel and click on the bin icon. The panel will then show in the Panels available section, under the Inherited tab.

4. To apply an inherited panel to the Space, go to the Inherited tab, and drag and drop it into the Panels in Use section.

You can view which fields a panel contains by hovering it.

5. Click Save.

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