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Introduction to this page

Add and edit keyword tags, captions, and other metadata to all files in a folder at the same time.

If you don't want to edit the metadata of all of the files in a folder, only a selection, see Edit files in batches.


1. Select or open the folder you want to edit.

2. Click Edit in the right-hand sidebar.

An Edit Folder modal will open.

3. Choose the Metadata tab at the top of the modal.

4. Edit the metadata fields as you wish. These edits will be applied to all of the files and subfolders in this folder.

5. To add existing panels to the folder's metadata catalog, drag a panel from the Panels Available menu to the folder. There are 3 tabs:

- Space: this is where the local space panels will show

- Inherited: this is where available site and inherited panels will show

- Shared: this is where any panel shared by another space or a user will show

The Panels available section is only shown to Space managers. Users with no management rights on this folder only get the Panels in use section.

6. Click Save

7. To go back to the inherited state, click on Reset panels. The order and panels will be similar to the site or parent space metadata panels. You can re-apply space panels by dragging them in again into the Panels in use section.

8. Click Save

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