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Share files with a user to give them access to them in their own account. The shared content does not move location when it is shared; another user is simply given access to it via a collection.

Only a selection of files can be shared as a collection. You can share a folder, a collection or a smart collection using Folder share.


1. Select the file(s) you want to share.

2. Click Share > As Collection action in the right-hand sidebar.

A Create Share as Collection modal will open.

4. Name the share at the top of the form. Give it a name that will make it easy to understand.

5. Drag and drop users from the a. Left-hand Users tab to the b. Share With carousel to share access to the files with these individuals.

Click the ellipsis (...) beneath user profiles to customize their permissions.

6. Give permission for this user to: View, Share, or Edit the files.

Click Save.

The shared collection will now appear in the private spaces of the user(s) you shared it with, and they will receive an email notification of the share. 

Want to share files for an external audience? Publish the files via a link. See Publish files for external use.

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